When deciding to distribute your printed documents electronically via the web or Kindle, you have a number of options because there is not a single digital document format for magazines, books, and other publications. You may wonder whether you should use PDF, EPUB, or Kindle’s mobi file format, etc. This is where we can assist you in choosing the correct format for your publications.
About E-Pubs — Fixed or Reflowable Layouts:
Fixed Layout E-Pubs
We can turn your rich and complex print layouts into eBooks that work across multiple platforms - Windows and MacOS - and across multiple device platforms such as iOS and Android. Major new features include support for precise layout, audio, video, hyperlinks, slideshows, object animation, and Japanese vertical text.
Reflowable Layout E-Pubs
is the preferred choice for text-heavy publications as it contains ‘live text’ which can be selected, highlighted and searched. You can also change the size of the text and even the typeface in a reflowable EPUB. This will force the lines of text to expand and break onto other lines — to ‘reflow’. Most text-heavy publications, such as novels and textbooks with limited imaging, are set in the reflowable format.
Besides getting your document converted into your preferred eBook format, we can also help you submit it to Amazon, iBookstore, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc.
About PDF's — Static and Interactive:
We can format Portable Document Files using the professional Acrobat Pro. We create the standard Static PDF's and also Interactive PDF's:
About Interactive Acrobat PDF's
These are standard PDF's that go one step further - they contain navigation buttons, audio sound clips, video clips, animations and page transitions.
To know more about our fixed and reflowable layout eBook conversion services, please contact us to discuss of your requirements.